Minimally-Invasive Laser Treatment of Axillary Hyperhidrosis
HydroLife™ by Alma Surgical offers a revolutionary, laser-based treatment option that is non-invasive, safe and effective.
Using a 1470nm wavelength and Alma’s new high density Anchor™ fiber, HydroLife safely and effectively ablates the eccrine sweat glands, yielding a dramatic reduction in symptoms of axillary hyperhidrosis.
The procedure can be performed in outpatient clinics quickly and effectively, with no patient downtime and with immediate, lasting results.
Minimally invasive
Bended anchor fiber technology
Short treatment time
No downtime
Single treatment procedure
1470nm- the sweat absorbing wavelength
Eccrine sweat is composed primarily of water, sodium, urea and ammonia. The 1470nm wavelength specifically targets water in soft tissue, making it ideal for selectively treating the eccrine sweat glands.
The anchortm fibertm
The bended Anchor fiber was developed as a second generation version of the Sidefire fiber, allowing for precise vaporization of tissue by emitting laser energy at an angle. The fiber is flat and polished which yields a higher power density than other specialized fibers.
During treatment with HydroLife, the Anchor fiber delivers energy to the target area in an incremental and highly controlled manner, thermally ablating the eccrine glands while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected.
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HydroLife™ by Alma Surgical | Importator echipamente medicale Alma Lasers.
Offers a revolutionary, laser-based treatment option that is non-invasive, safe and effective.